MMM’14 Weeks 3 & 4

Super late post, but I did fulfill my pledge for MeMadeMay’14, both in terms of wearing at least one make from an Indie pattern per week and sewing only with Indie patterns for the month. Now, to be fair/honest I sewed several duplicates of a few patterns. I need new summer dresses and making a couple from the same pattern in a weekend was the most efficient/effective way to achieve this with my available time and applicable Indie patterns.

I’ve combined weeks 3 & 4 because a) I’d be even later if I did a post for each and b) there was a lot of repeat items over these 2 weeks.  But, they were all new makes, so it’s still fun!  The weather’s been funny over the past couple of weeks – very up & down, one day sunny and hot, the next cold and rainy, or sunny but with a strong cool wind. So what ended up happening is that I’d wear a new make on a nice day, plan to wear an older Indie pattern make the next, but the weather wouldn’t co-operate, oh well.  New stuff is more fun to show anyway!

So here we go:

On Tuesday and Wednesday of week 3 I wore 2 modified Macarons I’d made the previous weekend, I then wore them again on Tuesday and Friday of week 4.

Here’s #1:



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MMM’14 (my) Week 2 Round-up

Well, late again.  But at least by not as much this time.  I was hoping to be able to wear 2 Indie Pattern pieces for my 2nd week, but had to make do with one.

Both are Elisalex dresses from By Hand London that I made last weekend, but the other ended up with some funny pulling at the back neckline and it took time to figure out why.  I’m only just actually fixing it this week.  I’ll explain more when I post it – hopefully as part of this week’s round-up.

So here is Elisalex #1, I wore it on Monday (and over this past weekend as it’s so comfortable and great for cool-ish spring weather).  It’s actually made from drapery-weight fabric I found at Value Village within the last couple of years.  I think it’s a great weight of fabric for this style, especially for helping the skirt hold its shape.

I decided to get snazzy and accessorize with a vintage purse for this photo! lol


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My First Me-Made-May!

I’m a little late to the start of the party, but hope to join in soon!

I first heard about Me-Made-May last year but not having a blog I didn’t actively participate.  When I saw that it was happening again this year, I was really excited to try and be part of it.  However, I had a teensy problem: this is supposed to be a challenge but 80%-90% of my wardrobe is already me-made.  People I know have basically stopped even asking if I made what I’m wearing assume that I did (and they’re almost always right in doing so).  Me-Made-May isn’t supposed to just be about showing off all one’s makes, but challenging oneself in some way.  I’m also in a situation of having to be really strategic with my sewing right now considering the time constraints I have between currently curating a fashion exhibit and (supposedly) writing my PhD thesis.  Initially I thought to imitate Tilly from Tilly & the Buttons’ pledge (it is the sincerest form of flattery, right?) to be more conscious of one’s clothes and clothing needs but I wasn’t totally sure that was right for me either.  So it’s been stewing away in the back of my mind while carving (and re-carving, ugh) foam discs into mannequins this week for my exhibit and while strolling through other people’s awesome starts to MMM.  I’m really happy to say that just a few minutes ago I figured out my pledge!  It’s actually inspired by my finding out about May also being Indie Pattern Month – and I just found out right now, while looking for a link about it to slip in here that there are not one, but two (at least?) big online events for it via Modern Vintage Cupcakes and Seamster Patterns.

I’m going to do a mash-up of MMM’14 + Indie Pattern Month.

So, here’s my pledge: Continue reading