New Year, New Ironing Board Cover

I know I am way, way behind with posting on here, and this post isn’t going to address that. However, after being out of the groove so long (not that I was or will likely ever be a terribly frequent blogger) I needed something quick and easy with which to get back into the habit. I have given myself the 2016 goal (I’ve never been into resolutions, but I like the idea of yearly goals, and it certainly worked in 2014 when I decided that was the year I would become a knitter!) to blog at least twice each month. It’s already 2/3 of the way through January, so expect more from me pretty soon! lol

I also used the new year and a desire for some fresh starts to replace my really, really tired ironing board. And it’s amazing how happy having a new on has made me!

My previous cover came from Ikea about 10 years ago. It was very lovely when I got it, but over the years ended up looking like this:

2016-01-24 15.23.54

It had even started tearing – which is what made me finally take action to replace it:

2016-01-24 15.24.01

I had initially thought of getting something pretty in white and aqua to go with the colour scheme I’m gradually developing for my sewing furniture:

2016-01-24 15.22.20

However, when I found this one on Joann’s website (and that it was on sale) I thought this was too neat to pass up!

June Tailor Press-Mate Ironing Board Cover-58"x19"

So here is my new-and-improved ironing board:

2016-01-24 15.21.53

I do a lot of hem pressing by eye (naughty, naughty, I know) and I have hopes this will enable me to be both lazy AND accurate! This can also be helpful for pressing self-made bias strips/binding and probably lots of other things. Also, it looks just so….sew-y, I love it!

Do any of you (whoever may still be following or paying attention to this blog) use the new year to replace, refresh or change anything?

Happy (belated) New Year, and I’ll see you again soon – before the month is up!

8 thoughts on “New Year, New Ironing Board Cover

  1. I still follow! I love to see what you’ve sewn! 🙂 I usually use the new year to remind myself of everything great I’ve done in the past year, and then to make intentions for the new year (not resolutions). and I try to keep my intentions down to a few important ones. Usually, I don’t end up getting rid of things until it’s time to pack up one season’s clothes and bring out the next. But that’s just clothing, so I SHOULD do something like you do, and use the new year as a time to purge other things and replace as needed. I’ll keep that in mind!


    • What an affirming and encouraging idea to remind yourself of all the great things you did over the past year! I’ll have to remember that!


  2. I gave up on resolutions awhile back, but I can see where you’re coming from with a yearly goal. I’ve never seen an ironing board cover like your new one, but had a laugh as my last new cover was made out of a bright orange Ikea fabric a friend gave me as a present.


  3. I assumed you were busy doing complicated things (as always) and you’ll write about them when you’re dang good and ready. And that’s great.
    I have the same ironing cover, it’s the second of it’s kind on my overpadded board. The grid will never stay square, but the material is pretty heavy duty and the ruler is nice for estimating buttonhole placement and hemming.

    Resolutions will make you crazy. Make stuff instead.


    • Haha, thank you for the vote of confidence! And thanks for the tip about the cover.

      Now, what if your resolution IS to make stuff? ;o)


  4. Oh, that’s great (though that old one was so gorgeous!) I have an old ironing board cover that’s almost as ratty as your old one but I’ve been loathe to replace it as it’s striped and I find them useful for exactly what you describe, pressing bias tape and fudging hems. But at Christmas Santa put a table-too pressing pad in my stocking that is gridded, which I love even more—so maybe I should just make a really fun one for the ironing board itself now! 🙂


    • The old one was very pretty, but had got so dirty and dingey, and when it started tearing because the fabric had got so weak from my CONSTANT pressing it was definitely time to move on! And I absolutely second making a fun new cover for your ironing board if the pressing pad serves the same/similar purpose as your stripes. Or… could just wait until it actually starts ripping and making a mess like mine did, lol.


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